The UN controls how Canadians are permitted to live their lives


Canadians are increasingly subject to the UN’s globalist “programme of action.” Very few know anything about it. None voted for or consented to it.

Michael Snyder explained the objective:

…the globalists want to use “sustainable development” as an excuse to micromanage the lives of every man, woman and child on the entire globe.

In other words, unelected, unaccountable, dictatorial global governance. It’s being implemented in plain sight, but with stealth, cunning, and collusion, orchestrated by “a bewildering array of institutions that have been well hidden behind the scrim of modern life,” according to investigative journalist Elizabeth Nickson, author of Eco-Fascists: How Radical Conservationists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage.

Agenda 21, the 1992 “United Nations Programme of Action From Rio,” focuses on the environment and “sustainable development.” Based on 27 “Principles” from the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, it is a “non-binding agreement” signed by 178 countries, including Canada.

In 2015, Agenda 21 was revised and re-named “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” The tagline is “Transforming Our World”—and they really mean it.  The document spells out “17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, and was “adopted by world leaders in September 2015.”

Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda are globalist public policy blueprints—diktats from the UN, an anti-democracy world body that seeks to erase national sovereignty, personal freedoms, property rights, and aims to transfer wealth by fiat, de-industrialize thriving economies, and de-populate the world. Incremental steps to achieving those ultimate goals are being implemented by local, provincial and federal governments in Canada, under the guise of “saving the planet” from a non-existent manmade global warming climate emergency.

So, what are examples of UN Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 policies forced on Canadians? For starters, you need politicians co-opted and willing to believe in the great planetary manmade climate emergency fiction. They are influenced, bedazzled, or dependent enough on the $1.5 trillion “climate change” industry to do the hallowed UN’s bidding. Unfortunately, there seems to be no shortage of such politicians at all levels of government. Many may not even understand what they are doing or how they are being manipulated by the UN’s eco-foot soldiers, the zealous eco-fanatical ENGOs, often foreign-funded, who openly work against the interests and welfare of Canadians.

In Ontario, Premier Kathleen Wynne parrots the key word from the UN’s 2030 Agenda tagline to explain a draconian, untenable, wrecking-ball of a “climate change” plan in fulfillment of the UN’s diktats (emphasis added):

We are on the cusp of a once-in-a-lifetime transformation. It’s a transformation of how we look at our planet and the impact we have on it…It’s a transformation that will forever change how we live, work, play and move.  

Wynne’s Liberal government has sworn fealty to a dictatorial non-Canadian, unelected, unaccountable globalist boss, rather than working in the best interests of Ontarians, as is her mandate.

The Ontario Liberals love to use the same language found in the UN’s Agenda 21/2030 Agenda bibles. For example, opponents of fake-green, economically-useless, environmentally-destructive wind turbine factories must prove, as detailed in Section 142.1 (3) of the Ontario Environmental Protection Act  that a given project will cause “serious and irreversible harm” to plant/animal life or the natural environment, or “serious harm” to human health—insurmountable burdens of proof, as we shall see. And where did the wording “serious” and “irreversible” harm come from? You can find it in Principle 15 of the the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development:

In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.

The UN’s Principle 15 means that though there may be “threats of serious or irreversible damage,” if you cannot demonstrate “full scientific certainty” of these threats, then the “measures to prevent environmental degradation” may proceed. The possibility of “threats of serious or irreversible damage,” even the degradation of the very environment that the UN and its willing agents are supposedly saving from “environmental degradation,” does not prevent government approval of “green” projects. The “precautionary approach” is transparently lopsided and clearly disadvantages opponents of “green” policies.

Such is the anti-democratic influence of the UN’s Agenda 21, enshrined in Ontario’s Environmental Protection Act and in the terms of reference for the Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal, a quasi judicial court mandated to adjudicate “applications and appeals under various environmental and planning statutes.” Despite scores of appeals of industrial wind turbine project approvals, only two or three have been partially successful, with final outcomes to be determined. They are most likely fated to lose, because the laws have been written to guarantee appellant failure.

In rural Ontario, the war on private property rights is on. The Liberal government is overhauling four provincial land use plans. Taking steps to “protect natural heritage and water, grow the Greenbelt” sounds sensible, but the objectives to limit “suburban sprawl” and “address climate change” give the game away. Rest assured that property owners will have less and less say over what they are allowed to do with the land they own, until they are forced to abandon it. Many victims of industrial wind turbine torture have already been driven out of their homes.

Elizabeth Nickson (emphasis added):

…a plan that has been carefully devised and put in place over the last 30 years. These planners have created an entirely new culture in rural areas, a culture of deliberate decline that has not only already damaged the suburbs but plans to eradicate them. Suburbanites will, over the next decades, be methodically moved into the cities which will become choked, toxic, and controlled by an iron system of regulation…

The federal Liberals are also on the UN Agenda 21 and 2030 bandwagon. Take the UN’s lofty Principle 22:

Indigenous people and their communities and other local communities have a vital role in environmental management and development because of their knowledge and traditional practices. States should recognize and duly support their identity, culture and interests and enable their effective participation in the achievement of sustainable development.

The Trudeau government recently announced it would adopt and implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoplesin accordance with the Canadian Constitution” with the expectation of “harmonizing Canada’s laws with the standards set in the declaration.” The UN’s standards, not Canada’s. As the Financial Post’s Kevin Libin wrote:

…more material than whether the UN declaration rises to legal levels or not is whether some First Nations simply assume the global edict enhances their sovereignty in the eyes of the world. To them, Canadian legal arguments would be rendered irrelevant.

Loss of national sovereignty, an end to personal freedoms, remote control over every aspect of life.

Tom DeWeese:

The fact is that the revolution, under the name of the environmental movement, has declared war on your property, war on your livelihood, war on your families, and war on truth and logic. Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development [is] driven by those who seek to transform our society into little soviets of non-elected boards and councils and regional governments, answerable to no one.

This is the true bleak future, a real climate change in our culture that Canadians should fear and resist for the sake of their grandchildren.

Kafkaesque: Lawless loophole lets wind company endanger human lives

Another Kafkaesque industrial wind turbine nightmare in Ontario. A regional airport (Collingwood), with an aerodrome close by (Stayner), and eight 500’ (152 metres) air-space-invading industrial wind turbines (wpd Canada’s Fairview Wind Project) to be wedged between both airfields, posing grave danger to pilots and their passengers—and the whole thing approved by the Ontario Liberal government.


What could possibly go wrong when pilots, flying visually without instrumentation (as is the case in over 90% of the flights at these two airports), have to negotiate a safe take-off or landing through a blur of Georgian Bay fog, or lake-effects snow, and an indiscernible phalanx of gigantic 50-storey-tall white windmills?

All eight of the planned wind turbines will “penetrate” the safe arrival and departure airspace mandated by Transport Canada standards.

The Collingwood-Stayner airspace is a no-man’s-land of regulation, a lawless vacuum with respect to wind turbine installations. Ontario’s Green Energy Act deliberately has no safety provision for wind turbine setbacks near airports. All eight of the planned wind turbines will “penetrate” the safe arrival and departure airspace mandated by Transport Canada standards, as prescribed by the International Civil Aviation Organization.

If the turbines are built, and they thereby are found to create an unsafe situation, Transport Canada could shut the airports down.

However, here is the kicker. Transport Canada has no jurisdiction over where wind turbines are located with respect to the air space of registered, uncertified airports such as the Collingwood Regional Airport and the Clearview Aerodrome in Stayner. But, when the turbines are built, and they thereby are found to create an unsafe situation, Transport Canada could shut the airports down. The airports, not the wind turbines! 

In this case, there is a dangerous jurisdictional vacuum. Neither Transport Canada, nor the Ontario government, nor the local governments, which the Liberals’ Green Energy Act stripped of their planning powers, have any legal say over the aeronautically-safe siting of wind turbines at registered, uncertified airports.

Wind companies—often foreign-owned—pretty well get to do whatever they want.

Such is the looney landscape of Ontario’s sickly “green” wind energy program that wind companies—often foreign-owned—pretty well get to do whatever they want, aided, abetted, enabled, financially rewarded, and legally defended by the Ontario Liberals’ Green Energy Act and their kangaroo court of (hopeless) appeal, the Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT). Only two of the scores of wind turbine project appeals to the ERT have had partial success, with final outcomes still pending.

wpd Canada’s Fairview Wind Project between the Collingwood-Stayner airports is being appealed, with an ERT hearing scheduled for May 16, 2016 in Collingwood. What are the chances that the safety-minded appellants will prevail? The onus is on them to prove “serious harm” to human health. You’d think that this would be a no-brainer, logical, obvious. But the narrow terms of reference by which the ERT operates and the unfair burden of proof heaped on the appellants usually spell defeat.

For a mind-blowing overview of this particular Kafkaesque situation involving wind turbine approvals and appeals, watch the 30-minute media event held at Queen’s Park on April 21, 2016 (starting at 3:09). At the press conference, Simcoe-Grey MPP Jim Wilson, Kevin Elwood (the pilot owner of the Clearview Aerodrome), and Charles Magwood, area property owner, outlined chilling facts about the lawless loophole that could endanger the lives of pilots and their passengers, and potentially close down an economically vital airport and aerodrome for good.

The trio also discuss possible graft and corruption in this case: wpd Canada’s payments made to the Liberal party, followed immediately by government approvals for wpd Canada’s project, and wpd Canada’s creation of a shell company with no assets in order to evade liability for accidents and de-commissioning of wind turbines.

In Ontario: lawless loopholes, callous, criminal disregard for human health and safety, apparent bribes for wind project approvals, calculated liability evasion, democracy-robbing legislation—all for economically useless, environmentally-destructive, subsidy-sucking industrial wind turbines, ugly symbols of a bankrupt, immoral, dishonest, fake planetary climate emergency.

August 2017:

The Environmental Review Tribunal has ruled to revoke the approval for eight 500-foot-tall wind turbines in an area near the Collingwood Regional Airport.

September 2017:

WPD Canada has decided not to appeal a decision of the Environmental Review Tribunal to revoke the renewable energy approval (REA) for the Fairview Wind Project.

February 2018:

Local taxpayers will be on the hook for the successful challenge to a plan to erect eight turbines in Clearview Township.

The same goes for Kevin and Gail Elwood, John Wiggins, and the residents’ group Preserve Clearview, after the Environmental Review Tribunal dismissed an application for costs related to their appeal of a decision to grant WPD a renewable energy application for the Fairview Wind Project.

Catherine McKenna, Gina McCarthy: Robotic, misleading catastrophism


Canada’s broadcaster, the CBC, chief propagandist for the manmade climate change/manmade global warming cabal, featured Canada’s Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, and the Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Gina McCarthy, on yesterday’s The Current, with host Anna-Maria Tremonti presiding.

Pontificating about a non-existent problem, and prescribing a punitive tax remedy for it, McKenna and McCarthy, with Tremonti providing the cues, manage to parrot all the usual tired, alarmist, untrue, irrational manmade climate change tropes—multiple times—as listed further below.

At the same time, the Mc-Robots want you to believe that:

…technology choices…are competing effectively against fossil fuels; in many cases they are less expensive, so let people…choose, let the market capture…technologies that are are most able to compete…mostly renewables.

…when you look at the markets and market forces, numerous renewables are now at par, in many cases, with fossil fuels and so…there’s a shift right now towards renewables.

…continue to allow fossil to be in the mix until it’s no longer the one that’s viable or cost-effective…let the market decide, as long as we send the right market signals.

…they have to successfully compete in the market.

It’s not as much about EPA regulations but it is about the industry themselves and whether they can remain competitive.

No reasonably-informed person swallows any of this drivel

For example, in Ontario, “renewables” such as industrial wind turbines can spring up seemingly overnight, thanks to tailor-made, obstacle-free special legislation. Their owners go on to enjoy 20 years worth of guaranteed, significantly above-market rates of return. On the other hand, anti-oil, anti-gas, anti-coal, anti-pipeline regulations, rules, and strictures mean an unlevelled competitive field for the fossil fuel industry.

As for Mc-Eco-Bots and their automated disinformation, read on . . .

“Feel” the manmade climate change 

There hasn’t been any global warming for at least 19 years, but, according to the Mc-Fibbers, manmade climate change is really here, is really happening right now. They can feel it, they can see it, so why can’t you?

…we know the climate is already changing, we can feel it, we can see it, we can measure it

…on the front lines of climate change, they can see it every day

…the real impacts of climate change

…a major impact

…understand what is the real impact

…impacts of climate change

…because you can really see it and feel it

…we see impact there

…very real changes to the climate that are impacting their lives

…climate changes that are already happening

Yes, climate changes all the time, always has, always will—naturally.

“Fight” and “tackle”

Lest you aren’t feeling the desired degree of urgency, the Mc-Deluded wish to remind you at every turn that something supposedly needs to be done, and pronto. Hence, the following (hubris-filled) action points:

tackling climate change

tackle climate change

how we tackle climate moving forward

tackling climate change everywhere

challenge of tackling climate change

the fight for climate change

have to take action

take action

take action on climate

the challenge of climate change is an immediate one, we have to take action on it

we all know that we need to act

The Mc-Deluded actually think that they can control the climate. The 11th century King Canute had more common sense, integrity, and honesty than McKenna, McCarthy and their political masters combined.

“Low-carbon” future or bust

And why do we need to take action? The Mc-Fake-Enviros’ objective for their fool’s errand is simple-minded, backward:

…reduce our carbon pollution

…capture the carbon that is damaging the planet

…low-carbon future

…move towards a low-carbon future

…decarbonizing, moving to lower-carbon future

…a low-carbon future

…we need to move to a lower-carbon future

…moving to a low-carbon future

…moving to a lower-carbon future

A “low-carbon” future is code for de-development, de-industrialization, de-population, anti-democracy, anti-personal-freedoms, and consigns the poor to even deeper poverty, despair, and deprivation.

Carbon price and tax thin air

And how do the Mc-Punishers think they can make us comply? Put a price on it, again, and again:

price carbon and tackle the problem

putting a price on carbon

pricing carbon

a price on carbon

price on carbon

we need to be putting a price on carbon

It really is a tax on air. Think about it.

“Science-based” decisions

Of course, these are not mere whims on the part of the Mc-Pseudo-Scientists and their masters. These draconian measures are supposedly based on empirical evidence, on sound science, don’t you know, and therefore righteous and good:

our science-based efforts

the best science

absolutely looking at the science

Paris agreement is based on science

a science-based approach

the science is really good today

we’re doing things based on science

Perverted, corrupted, damaged, manufactured, outcome-predetermined “science.”

Sustainability flim-flam

Just in case you’re worried about the economic consequences of their “evidence-based” plans, the Mc-BSers assure us that everything will be hunky-dory:

done in a sustainable way

make sure they’re done in a sustainable way

“Sustainability” is code for anti-prosperity.

Emotional blackmail

Of course, when providing the rationale for the manmade climate change insanity, never forget to play the “next generation” card, and the Mc-Eco-Preachers do not disappoint:

we need to protect our kids

we need to keep our kids future healthy and safe

create the jobs that my kids will have

protecting our kids

keeping the world safe for future generations

necessary for our kids

The truth is that the kids will be far sicker, poorer, and more at risk if insane anti-human manmade climate change policies are implemented.

Greenhouse gas demonization

Finally, there may be an additional manmade climate change villain in the offing. Is methane being groomed as the new CO2? The fabrication that CO2 is the demonic driver of manmade climate change may have become too much of an awkward argument for the eco-fantasists. Too many people know that CO2 is carbon dioxide, a non-polluting, indispensable trace gas that nourishes plants, without which there would be no life in earth. So, methane may now need to be the satanic, planet-destroying gas:

curbing methane gas emissions

capture that methane

you have to capture the methane

capture the methane that otherwise would be damaging the planet

The UN-led deliberate, evil deceit of manmade climate change continues unabated

The scientific fiction, fuelled by a $1.5 trillion climate change industry, continues apace, scarcely hindered by the truth, or valid science, or the scientific method.

We need more courageous and honest leadership in the political class. We need more common sense, more mainstream media investigative journalism, more reason. We need more public awareness that the cry-wolf, pretend-green potentates of the manmade climate change narrative are liars, utterly lacking in clothing and any scrap of integrity.

Kafkaesque: Opposing an industrial wind turbine project in Ontario


(Scroll down for updates)

Take a look at what happens when Ontarians try to oppose an industrial wind turbine project.

Laws, regulations, and processes seem to have eliminated every conceivable obstacle for the mad rush of the (economically useless, environmentally destructive) wind industrialization of rural Ontario. At the same time they effectively, undemocratically block wind project opponents at every turn. The Ontario Green Energy Act (GEA) and its quasi-judicial complaints department, the Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT) pitch opponents headlong into a Kafkaesque nightmare.

An example:

  1. The government gives the Proponent permission to undertake an industrial wind turbine construction project, which includes granting a special environmental permit that allows the Proponent to kill, harm, and harass a Victim or two.
  2. Locals launch an appeal on the grounds that the project would, amongst other troublesome consequences, cause serious and irreversible harm to the Victims.
  3. The appeal is heard by a Tribunal, which issues a very rare decision favouring the Victims, finding that the Proponent’s project will indeed cause serious and irreversible harm to two classes of Victims.
  4. The Tribunal orders a further hearing to consider the Proponent’s proposed mitigations of this serious and irreversible harm.
  5. In the meantime, however, the Proponent is legally entitled (and signals the intention) to go ahead and begin the project site pre-construction work, and in the process kill, harm, and harass Victims, without first having to table mitigation plans at the next Tribunal hearing (see 4 above).
  6. Lawyers for the Victims file a motion to have the Tribunal issue a stay of the Proponent’s pre-construction on-site activity associated with the special permit to kill, harm, and harass.
  7. The Tribunal dismisses the Victims’ motion, with reasons for its decision to be given at a later time.
  8. Lawyers for the Victims then appeal to a Divisional Court with a motion for a stay.
  9. The Divisional Court also dismisses the appeal because the Victims’ lawyers, through no fault of their own, are unable to establish specific grounds for said appeal, given that they are in the dark about the reasons for the Tribunal’s dismissal of the motion (see 7 above).
  10. The Victims’ lawyers are entitled to renew their Divisional Court motion (see 8 above), if and when they ever receive the reasons for the Tribunal’s dismissal decision (see 7 above).
  11. Meanwhile, the circle is complete, with the Proponent apparently free to go ahead and kill, harm, and harass the Victims, even though there is to be a future Tribunal hearing (see 4 above) at which the Proponent is supposed to make proposals for mitigating the killing, harming, and harassing that probably will already have taken place by then.

That is the saga thus far with respect to the battle between the Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County and the wind energy company wpd Canada Corporation.

The ERT appears to be nothing more than a Kafkaesque-Potemkin-kangaroo-emperor-with-no-clothes court.

The GEA and its companion, the ERT have allowed wind energy companies, eager to cash in on the Ontario Liberal government’s 20-year-guaranteed, above-market returns, to ride roughshod over democratic rights of people and municipalities. The kleptocratic subsidy scheme is footed by the taxpayers, and consumers’ electricity charges triple as a result.

Wind project opponents are spending inordinate amounts of time and money to fight a losing battle, the contest rigged from the start. For wind project opponents, the ERT appears to be nothing more than a Kafkaesque-Potemkin-kangaroo-emperor-with-no-clothes court.

The ERT gives people the illusion of offering democratic equality and justice before the law. In reality, it forces them to accept the industrialization of rural Ontario against their will, while depleting their wallets and spirit.

What’s at play here is just one aspect of the insidious implementation of the UN’s one-world-government Agenda 21, a blueprint for an anti-prosperity, anti-democratic sustainable development and wealth transfer movement. It uses the cudgel of the massive scientific deception of manmade climate change to clobber and guilt people into phony-green-energy submission. It has them running in circles, looking in vain for democracy and laws to protect their rights.


APRIL 4, 2016 – Wind developer wpd Canada Corporation indeed started clearing trees in preparation for wind turbine construction, despite the fact that the entire project was under appeal.

This work began in areas known to be habitat for the endangered Blandings Turtle; the power developer is continuing even though there are reports that milder weather has resulted in the turtles emerging early from their winter hibernation, and are at great risk.


Vegetation cleared in Prince Edward County Blanding’s Turtle wetland area, while the White Pines project was and still is under appeal. [Photo: APPEC]

APRIL 6, 2016 – A hearing on a motion for a stay in the Court of Appeal for Ontario did not quite go as planned. As is the case in any ERT or court proceedings brought on by wind project opponents, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change deployed its lawyers to fight on behalf of the wind developer, in opposition to the people, who not only must pay their own lawyers, but, as taxpayers, also foot the bill for the Ministry’s lawyers!

…Sylvia Davis, lawyer for the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, cited a ruling from over fifty years ago that only a panel of three judges could hear an appeal of this nature. 

It became clear at that point that the motion would not be heard until after the legal matter of whether this was properly before the court had been dealt with, with a potentially unfavourable decision. 

Rather than spend considerable time and money on legal wrangling the decision was made to withdraw our motion for a stay on all physical activity at the White Pines project site.  The motion was withdrawn on consent of all parties and without costs.

We will immediately be going to the Tribunal to once again request a stay.

APRIL 8, 2016 – And then, mirabile dictu, the ERT granted a temporary stay!

Late this afternoon the Environmental Review Tribunal granted a temporary stay of WPD’s Renewable Energy Approval (REA).  As a result of the stay all construction work at the project site has been brought to a halt.  The Tribunal will schedule a written hearing at a later date to decide on the merits of a more permanent stay.

Ross McKitrick: “Environmental alarmism and the raft of false beliefs”


Dr. Ross McKitrick is a Professor of Economics at the University of Guelph, and Research Chair in Energy, Ecology and Prosperity at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. He specializes in environmental economics.

Dr. McKitrick spoke (starting at :19) on the topic of Green Conservatism at the Manning Centre Conference in February.

In his brief talk, Dr. McKitrick gives a brilliant, succinct overview of the current absence of rational, logical, empirical evidence-based thinking and planning on the part of the Canadian political class when it comes to the environment and economic policies.

Dr. McKitrick argues that our “very high-level” decision-makers are churning out “extremely distorting” policies based on their false, alarmist environmental beliefs. The results of their scientific illiteracy and ideological alarmism are environmental over-regulation and “green” taxation overkill.

Reading between the lines, we’re in a big, fat, fake-green mess and heading for continued fiscal and economic misery.

The following is a partial transcription (bolding added for emphasis).

On illogical “green” taxes: 

The trouble in the Canadian context is, the economic logic only works if they used “instead of,” and not on “on top of” a command-and-control regime….repeal the onerous regulations that we’ve already got in place, like for instance, the Green Energy Act in Ontario, and the federal ethanol mandate, and the proposed coal fadeout in Alberta.

Unless you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and work against those things in a very vocal way, you’re not really in a position to make a credible argument for green taxes in Canada.

Otherwise, it’s just going to be one thing piled on top of another.

On real and imaginary climate graphs: 

The mayor of Montreal is so worried about the state of the environment that he’s leading a campaign to block the Energy East pipeline from reaching Montreal, presumably because he thinks that the contents of that pipeline will be damaging to the local environment. He has in mind, I guess, a graph like this, except that it would slope up instead of sloping down, and lots of other graphs, presumably in his imagination, that slope up rather than sloping down.

If you want to see what all the other graphs look like, I’ve put them online at a website called It’s very easy to navigate. You can look up the complete air quality records for every city in Canada, and lots of other information besides—climate information, CO2 emissions, all sorts of stuff.

On regulatory overkill and pipeline blockades: 

Once you get a handle on what’s actually happened to the environment in Canada, you’re going to think the problem is a little different. It’s regulatory overkill.

We’re at a point where we have controlled conventional air pollutants to an extremely low level in Canada, and yet we’re seeing an acceleration of new and extremely distorting policies, including the various attempts to blockade all pipeline development and keep the western fossil fuel reserves in the ground.

On false environmental thinking embedded in high-level decision-makers:

I can only conclude that a lot the decision-makers—and this kind of thinking is embedded at very high levels—have in mind a completely false picture of the Canadian environment. They’ve been convinced that it’s much worse than it is and that the trends are going in different directions.

On irrational, ideological environmental alarmism: 

The real target today is environmental alarmism. It’s this irrational but popular ideology that the environment is bad and getting worse, that we face an emergency and that we have to take radical measures.

It’s easy to defeat once you start showing people the data, and it’s easy to defeat if you can get a hearing for the idea that if you get specific about what you’re really talking about, we can measure these things. In fact, we do measure them, and in Canada we have decades and decades worth of measurements. So you can get the discussion on a very rational footing.

On the phony “97% consensus”:

We should encourage people to discuss the science, and we do it in a deep way—and not with the slogans like the “97% consensus,” which is another one of these phony statistics that emerges.

On huge regulatory overkill and unnecessary coal phase-outs:

What we need to do is to get people to think clearly about what it is they are talking about. Are you concerned about air pollution? Well, we have the data on all the major air contaminants. We can measure it, this is what it looks like…It’s not one big thing. It’s a lot of little things and most of them are actually being handled very effectively by our current regulatory systems in Canada.

There isn’t a huge opening to come in with some silver bullet like emission taxes that are going to have a big effect on the state of the environment…

We have a problem of overkill in some areas, including, for instance, the coal phase-out in Ontario. That was a huge overkill in response to the air emissions issue…They didn’t need to phase out those coal-fired power plants. But it’s the alarmism that made it impossible to have that debate at the time.

On “extreme weather” fibs: 

When governments start to hauling out the issue of extreme weather, there is nothing mainstream about that kind of science. The mainstream science, including the IPCC, does not draw a connection between greenhouse gas emissions and extreme weather events. So, politicians need to be called on that sort of thing.

On climate propaganda and browbeating:

And also, finally, don’t overstate the challenge. I was struck this week by research that came out of Yale University, that even after all these years of propaganda and browbeating, Canadians are roughly evenly-split on whether global warming is mostly anthropogenic, but so is the scientific community…Once you try to move to something more specific than that—like, is it the most? or if it is responsible, is it even a problem?— that’s where that kind of consensus breaks down. So don’t overstate the problem!

On false beliefs:

You need to understand that the problem is actually alarmism, and the raft of false beliefs, and not the need for little tweaks to the tax code.

Watch Dr. McKitrick’s whole presentation here, starting at :19.

All lights blazing for the Earth Witching Hour


I’m going to turn on every damn light I can find when the Earth Witching Hour approaches—this year at 8:30 pm on Saturday, March 19.

Why? To spotlight the insanity and dishonesty underlying the phony greeniness of the WWF’s Earth Hour—a supposedly “grassroots movement” to “save the planet” and “shine a light on climate action” where the stated aim is: “…to encourage an interconnected global community to share the opportunities and challenges of creating a sustainable world.” A “sustainable world”—UN Agenda 21 ideology dictates coerced deprivation—in which you’re supposed to get used to sitting in the dark rather than providing (not preventing, as is the case these days) fossil-fueled electricity for the $1.3 billion people living in real darkness every single night.

The Witching Hour, according to Wikipedia, refers to “the time of night when creatures such as witches, demons, and ghosts are thought to appear and to be at their most powerful and black magic to be most effective.”

That would be about right for the Earth Witching Hour:

  • witchy, bullying, hectoring ENGOs, often foreign-funded, supposed “charities” such as WWF, with evil powers by means of unelected, unaccountable influence over government antic-democratic legislation and mainstream media disinformation;
  • demonic vilification of plant-food carbon dioxide and life-enhancing, life-saving fossil fuels;
  • black magic practised in a cloak of putrid, fake green, pumping out climate change ideology, “save the planet” propaganda, and professionally manufactured and financed “grassroots movements.”

Let’s turn on all the lights we can find on Saturday and celebrate our good fortune. Switch off the manmade climate change indoctrination and the “carbon pollution” dogma. Lead the 1.3 billion souls sitting in the dark into the light and fossil-fueled prosperity and a good life.

Excellent observation made (along with many others) in the comments section of this post by Parker Gallant Missing the point of Earth Hour in Ontario
Bob Lyman, March 18, 2016 at 12:45 pm
Let’s see. If we all turn off our lights, there will be a lower quantity of Ontario electricity consumption over which the regulated utilities can average their costs and, other things equal, a larger quantity of energy that has to be curtailed or exported at a loss. Consequently, the costs of the electricity supply system will rise and the utilities will apply to have these costs reflected in increased rates to (guess who?) Ontario electricity consumers. So, by turning off the lights, we collectively increase our electricity bills. This is in addition to making a meaningless bow in the direction of the false thesis that electricity consumption harms the environment. Just great.


The It’s-All-Your-Fault Tax to “fight climate change” and “save the planet”


Carbon tax, carbon price, carbon levy, cap-and-trade, revenue-neutral or not—call it what you will, it is definitely a tax that everyone will pay, one way or another. It’s a You-Are-Guilty-Of-Causing-Manmade-Global-Warming/Manmade-Climate-Change Tax, levied on the carbon dioxide produced by living your life.

Let me list a few of the ways in which it’s all your fault:

  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Need-To-Stay-Warm-In-Winter-To-Avoid-Freezing-To-Death Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Have-To-Drive-For/To-Work-So-You-Can-Earn-A-Living Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Choose-To-Cook-Dinner-For-Your-Kids Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Make-The-Stuff-That-People-Need-To-Live Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Want-To-Wear-Clothes-And-Live-With-Dignity Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Don’t-Fancy-Poisoning-Yourself-With-Unrefrigerated-Food Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Farm-Crops-And-Raise-Animals-That-Feed-The-People Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Need-A-Roof-Over-Your-Head Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Want-To-Cross-The-Atlantic-Or-Pacific-Without-Having-To-Swim Tax

And so on, and so on . . . whatever you do, whatever you need is toxic to the Earth, and must be stopped, they say. This political, not scientific, dangerous UN objective, was openly, baldly stated by Marxist and Canadian Maurice Strong, then UN Secretary General of the Earth Summit, at the Rio UN Earth Summit in 1992:

It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class— involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable.

For “not sustainable,” read “must be eliminated.”  This is just one of the many people-control goals contained in Agenda 21, The United Nations Programme of Action, a non-binding, voluntary sustainable development action plan, agreed to by Canada and 178 other nations in 1992. It has been openly, but quietly, stealthily implemented bit by bit ever since—”globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.” A carbon tax is one of many thousands of steps in this insidious, anti-democratic, anti-human process.

Proponents (in Canada it’s the Prime Minister, the premiers of the provinces, except Brad Wall of Saskatchewan, et alia) of the extortionist carbon tax/price/levy see it as a combo behaviour-modification-and-revenue tool, designed to coerce you into making changes to your supposedly climate-catastrophe-causing habits, force you to pay for your alleged earth-harming ways. They aim to politically-correct you to be socially-just by drastically reducing your standard of living and surrendering your cash. They say they will use the proceeds to “tackle climate change,” “fight climate change,” and  “save the planet” from what, in reality, is a non-existent problem. Aren’t these ridiculous, hubristic, unrealistic goals, when you really think about it? Boondoggle, anyone?

The extortionist carbon tax/price/levy is seen as a combo behaviour-modification-and-revenue tool.

For the eco-self-righteous elite and the ignorant, venal or delusional politicians, inflicting a social justice penalty and punishment tax will teach you a moralistic lesson in original sin (that of your supposedly toxic ”carbon” footprint, caused by your very existence).

A sin-punishing, kleptocratic tax on thin air . . .

The fake rationale for a sin-punishing, kleptocratic tax on thin air is the biggest scientific deception ever perpetrated, namely that manmade CO2 (carbon dioxide) supposedly causes catastrophic manmade global warming and apocalyptic manmade climate change. Human CO2 “emissions,” invisible, odourless, non-polluting though they are (but the eco-poseurs will never say that), need to be curbed or everyone burns up in a super-heated hell on Earth. But consider the following;

  • There has been no global warming for nearly 19 years, during which time CO2 concentrations rose by 10%, therefore rendering the cause-and-effect grounds for carbon taxing/pricing/levying scientifically invalid.
  • The UN’s climate computer model predictions of climate doom-and-devastation have all failed to match real-world empirical evidence.
  • Climate changes naturally all the time, always has, always will.

In short, there is no global climate emergency at all (as Dr. Tim Ball likes to say, it only exists inside the UN IPCC’s (rigged—my word) computer climate models), and, in fact, CO2 is a life-giving, miracle trace gas enabling mankind’s survival.

A carbon tax/price/levy is a pernicious, avaricious, dishonest tax on the carbon dioxide produced by mankind’s activities. Eco-crooks try to make you believe that huge amounts of it are being spewed everywhere. In fact, CO2 is a trace gas comprising a tiny 0.04% of the atmosphere. It is something you exhale. It’s not a pollutant. It’s plant food, vital to life on earth, without which we would not even be here to discuss the carbon tax lunacy.

The end game is . . . UN Agenda 21 . . . communitarian global governance by fiat.

Undeterred by the facts and basic science, the ENGO eco-zealots, self-serving politicians at every level and of every stripe, the unthinking educators, the MSM collaborators, the carbon-propagandist celebs, the co-opted scientists, the UN climate potentates, the woefully uninformed journalists, the corporate appeasers, et alia earnestly discuss the finer points of (unnecessary, ought to be illegal) carbon pricing and procedures, when in fact the whole thing is one gigantic, evil, corrupt charade. The end game is money, power, control, UN Agenda 21, forced wealth transfer, de-population, anti-prosperity, anti-nationalism, totalitarianism, communitarian global governance by fiat.

High time to fight back.

How Thin Air came to be bought, sold, traded, and taxed


Once upon a time there was a Liberal Premier who, having unaccountably been given an undeserved gift of majority rule, presided over the most populous province in the fair land of Canada. She seemed to care about nothing except virtue-signaling her lonely country jogging and spreading her social-license, social-justice, planet-saving pretensions to realms beyond.

She heeded her nakedly bullying enviro-grifters who told her that “The Science” Oracle had spoken.

She ignored the cries of the rural folk forced to submit to the subsidy-dependent, fake-green wind carbon-baggers who had her permission to impale the beautiful farm fields and meadows with useless, dangerous, bird-slaughtering, human-health destroying giant windmills. Instead, she heeded her unelected, unaccountable, foreign-funded, phony eco-courtiers—nakedly bullying enviro-grifters who told her that “The Science” Oracle had spoken: it was time to impose a pernicious, dishonest tax scheme on the financially beleaguered people. This would enrich the Treasury and continue to pay for Liberal Boondoggles, past and present and future.

…exhalations and emissions you could not see or smell had henceforth to be bought, sold, traded, and taxed.

And so she decreed that Thin Air, exhalations and emissions you could not see or smell, that harmlessly provided vital nourishment for plants and thus kept everything and everyone on Earth alive, had henceforth to be bought, sold, traded, and taxed. Anyone challenging this absurd, corruption-rife lunacy was deemed to be hopelessly in denial, blind, a head-in-the-sand-sticker, and accused of being in lavish pay of fossil fuel providers (if only).

They played along, fearful of being judged unfit for their positions or, worse, having to go straight to SuzukiJail for eco-heresy.

Many Smart People (politicians, professors, publishers, pundits, PR professionals, petroleum producers, public servants) could not see how Thin Air was harming anything at all. The deliberately false predictions of Manmade Doom-And-Gloom Climate Change, supposedly caused by manmade excess Thin Air, had never materialized, of course. But the Smart People said nothing and did nothing. They played along, fearful of being judged unfit for their positions or, worse, having to go straight to SuzukiJail for eco-heresy.

Others, the SmartAndHonest People, tried to tell the populace that putting a price on Thin Air was an absurd, ought-to-be-illegal fraud, and nothing more than a blatant tax grab, fake-justified by a non-existent climate problem. But most of them had no influence over the government’s powerful propaganda juggernaut, the mainstream media, and had to resort to ingenuity and disruptive new ways in order to be heard and seen.

Slowly, the truth about the Big Climate Fraud started to seep out.

Some of the Regular People rejected the state propaganda and made an effort to find the SmartAndHonest People in the Internet news sites and blogs and honest, evidence-based science websites in order to get at facts and the truth. And in the face of ridicule, condemnation, and abuse they did their best to tell their families, neighbours, and social media friends. Slowly, the truth about the Big Climate Fraud started to seep out. But what to do about it?  Was there still time to put and end to the madness, if only for the sake of the children and grandchildren—and if so, how?

For now, this dark tale must end here, the rest to be told as surely as the climate has changed and will change naturally throughout the ages.

Ontario’s Premier Wynne throws Clearview Township under the wind turbine bus


The Ontario Ministry of the Environment (oh, and Climate Change) has just approved another industrial wind turbine factory, this time in Simcoe County, near the Collingwood Regional Airport, no less.

Once again Ontario Premier Wynne et alia have abrogated and sacrificed the democratic rights of municipalities and others on the UN’s altar of a non-existent global climate emergency and its misbegotten manmade climate change ideology: “…permission to construct the Fairview Wind Project would effectively eliminate any chance of the proposed $300 million dollar expansion proposed by the Clearview Aviation Business Park.” It won’t be “Fairview,” but rather “Unfair-Obstructed View” for pilots and their passengers.

The invasive, forced proliferation of useless and destructive industrial wind turbines continues apace, despite a shocking indictment of Wynne’s fiscal recklessness in the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Annual Report 2015 (page 214):

Expensive wind and solar energy—We calculate that electricity consumers have had to pay $9.2 billion…more for renewables over the 20-year contract terms under the Ministry’s current guaranteed-price renewable program than they would have paid under the previous program…We found that the prices under Ontario’s guaranteed-price renewable program were…double the market price for wind and three and a half times the market price for solar energy in 2014.

For the uninitiated, here are two excellent films on the corrosive, toxic effects of the wind industry on the rural people and communities forced to live amongst the subsidy-exploiting, ineffectual, dangerous, towering monster machines:

Watch Down Wind: “…the explosive documentary that examines Ontario’s controversial rush into industrial wind farm development.”

Watch Big Wind: “…explores the conflict over the controversial development of industrial wind turbines in Ontario.”

Climate nonsense and sanctimony from Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner


The new Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Dianne Saxe, celebrates and looks forward to punishing you (she Orwellian-newspeaks it as “give a financial incentive to people”!) with the Ontario Liberals’ planned cap-and-trade carbon tax scheme for the greenhouse gas “pollution” that you “create”:

Hallelujah! It’s really about time. Again, the entire world recognizes that we need to put a price on carbon if we want to give a financial incentive to people to reduce the pollution that they create, the greenhouse gas pollution that they create. We have to put a price on it. If it’s free, if doing the wrong thing is free, and the right thing [is] expensive, the people are more likely to do the wrong thing.

Earlier in her interview with Steve Paikin on TVO’s The Agenda, Saxe was asked what had been the highlight of COP21, the UN’s mega climate conference that she attended in Paris last December. She said:

The highlight was reaching the agreement. That was an extraordinary achievement…it was an incredible achievement…in terms of a real tipping point for both national governments, and sub-nationals and non-state actors around the world. It was astonishing!

Of course, we all know it was a total non-agreement, but one that nonetheless will be used by the powers that be to rationalize imposing further coercive, extortionist measures to “save the planet.”

When Paikin asked Saxe what were some of the “neat ideas” that came out of the conference, she replied:

Portfolio decarbonization initiative, which is the recognition by big money managers around the world that ignoring the risk of carbon is now impermissible because there are physical risks, there are liability risks, there are stranded asset risks, and there are reputational risks which are now a necessary part of fiduciary duty of any money manager in the world.

Insanity! It’s a UN-led initiative, of course. Bear in mind, that “carbon” is carbon dioxide, i.e. plant food. So, money managers are supposed to advise clients to divest themselves of any stocks associated with the production of a harmless trace gas, without which there would be no life on earth.

Of course, no TVO discussion about the climate would be complete without the usual scaremongering idiocy about how we are all climate-doomed. Saxe obliged:

The most frightening thing in Paris was learning about the science. I thought that I was pretty up-to-date with how bad things are and how fast things are moving when in fact things are much worse than I thought.

And one of the biggest factors is that in this entire process of planning ahead of how bad it’s going to be, we have left out one of the biggest sources of carbon in the world, which is the melting of the permafrost. So the challenge is even bigger than we knew, the urgency is greater.

But climate changes naturally all the time. And there has been no global warming for almost 19 years now. So if the permafrost is melting, it ain’t your fault. There are other reasons for it, such as natural climate phenomena and fluctuations.

And please, don’t neglect to mention recent weather events as being proof of manmade climate change! Saxe had a good one:

It probably helps that right in the middle of the conference there were $5 billion worth of floods around the world, $4 billion alone in India, the huge flood in northern England…it seized people’s attention.

“Helps”? That’s a rather cruel, callous, opportunistic view of what the poor Brits endured, losing their possessions and homes on their water-logged Boxing Day. Actually, the floods in northern England were caused not by manmade climate change but by government negligence, mandated by the EU directives (based on misbegotten UN-driven “climate change” ideology) to stop the traditional flood-control dredging of rivers. But don’t let facts get in the way of a sensational phony narrative.

And, of course, don’t forget to wring your hands over the grandchildren—again! Saxe made sure they got the usual warmist’s shout-out:

In 1992 when I went to the Rio conference we thought we were talking about a problem that would matter to our grandchildren. In 2015 we realized it’s a problem for us all right now, and moving fast.

Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner checked the usual boxes in the “climate change” catechism:

  • the evils (imaginary) of greenhouse gas “pollution”
  • it’s your fault, and you must be punished and pay
  • put a “price” on “carbon,” i.e. tax you, and then tax you again
  • decarbonization of everything, i.e. stop economic growth
  • believe “the science,” but only if it’s UN-authorized
  • weather is proof of manmade “climate change”: heavy rain causing floods, etc
  • urgency (because “the science” is supposedly beyond debate and settled)
  • think of the poor little grandchildren, i.e. emotional blackmail

Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner is obviously a devoted believer in the church of manmade global warming. (She has to be—it’s the second mandate listed on her job description.) So, Dianne Saxe will have to help the Liberal government that appointed her force Wynne-beleaguered Ontarians to do the wrong “right thing.”