The UN controls how Canadians are permitted to live their lives


Canadians are increasingly subject to the UN’s globalist “programme of action.” Very few know anything about it. None voted for or consented to it.

Michael Snyder explained the objective:

…the globalists want to use “sustainable development” as an excuse to micromanage the lives of every man, woman and child on the entire globe.

In other words, unelected, unaccountable, dictatorial global governance. It’s being implemented in plain sight, but with stealth, cunning, and collusion, orchestrated by “a bewildering array of institutions that have been well hidden behind the scrim of modern life,” according to investigative journalist Elizabeth Nickson, author of Eco-Fascists: How Radical Conservationists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage.

Agenda 21, the 1992 “United Nations Programme of Action From Rio,” focuses on the environment and “sustainable development.” Based on 27 “Principles” from the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, it is a “non-binding agreement” signed by 178 countries, including Canada.

In 2015, Agenda 21 was revised and re-named “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” The tagline is “Transforming Our World”—and they really mean it.  The document spells out “17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, and was “adopted by world leaders in September 2015.”

Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda are globalist public policy blueprints—diktats from the UN, an anti-democracy world body that seeks to erase national sovereignty, personal freedoms, property rights, and aims to transfer wealth by fiat, de-industrialize thriving economies, and de-populate the world. Incremental steps to achieving those ultimate goals are being implemented by local, provincial and federal governments in Canada, under the guise of “saving the planet” from a non-existent manmade global warming climate emergency.

So, what are examples of UN Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 policies forced on Canadians? For starters, you need politicians co-opted and willing to believe in the great planetary manmade climate emergency fiction. They are influenced, bedazzled, or dependent enough on the $1.5 trillion “climate change” industry to do the hallowed UN’s bidding. Unfortunately, there seems to be no shortage of such politicians at all levels of government. Many may not even understand what they are doing or how they are being manipulated by the UN’s eco-foot soldiers, the zealous eco-fanatical ENGOs, often foreign-funded, who openly work against the interests and welfare of Canadians.

In Ontario, Premier Kathleen Wynne parrots the key word from the UN’s 2030 Agenda tagline to explain a draconian, untenable, wrecking-ball of a “climate change” plan in fulfillment of the UN’s diktats (emphasis added):

We are on the cusp of a once-in-a-lifetime transformation. It’s a transformation of how we look at our planet and the impact we have on it…It’s a transformation that will forever change how we live, work, play and move.  

Wynne’s Liberal government has sworn fealty to a dictatorial non-Canadian, unelected, unaccountable globalist boss, rather than working in the best interests of Ontarians, as is her mandate.

The Ontario Liberals love to use the same language found in the UN’s Agenda 21/2030 Agenda bibles. For example, opponents of fake-green, economically-useless, environmentally-destructive wind turbine factories must prove, as detailed in Section 142.1 (3) of the Ontario Environmental Protection Act  that a given project will cause “serious and irreversible harm” to plant/animal life or the natural environment, or “serious harm” to human health—insurmountable burdens of proof, as we shall see. And where did the wording “serious” and “irreversible” harm come from? You can find it in Principle 15 of the the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development:

In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.

The UN’s Principle 15 means that though there may be “threats of serious or irreversible damage,” if you cannot demonstrate “full scientific certainty” of these threats, then the “measures to prevent environmental degradation” may proceed. The possibility of “threats of serious or irreversible damage,” even the degradation of the very environment that the UN and its willing agents are supposedly saving from “environmental degradation,” does not prevent government approval of “green” projects. The “precautionary approach” is transparently lopsided and clearly disadvantages opponents of “green” policies.

Such is the anti-democratic influence of the UN’s Agenda 21, enshrined in Ontario’s Environmental Protection Act and in the terms of reference for the Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal, a quasi judicial court mandated to adjudicate “applications and appeals under various environmental and planning statutes.” Despite scores of appeals of industrial wind turbine project approvals, only two or three have been partially successful, with final outcomes to be determined. They are most likely fated to lose, because the laws have been written to guarantee appellant failure.

In rural Ontario, the war on private property rights is on. The Liberal government is overhauling four provincial land use plans. Taking steps to “protect natural heritage and water, grow the Greenbelt” sounds sensible, but the objectives to limit “suburban sprawl” and “address climate change” give the game away. Rest assured that property owners will have less and less say over what they are allowed to do with the land they own, until they are forced to abandon it. Many victims of industrial wind turbine torture have already been driven out of their homes.

Elizabeth Nickson (emphasis added):

…a plan that has been carefully devised and put in place over the last 30 years. These planners have created an entirely new culture in rural areas, a culture of deliberate decline that has not only already damaged the suburbs but plans to eradicate them. Suburbanites will, over the next decades, be methodically moved into the cities which will become choked, toxic, and controlled by an iron system of regulation…

The federal Liberals are also on the UN Agenda 21 and 2030 bandwagon. Take the UN’s lofty Principle 22:

Indigenous people and their communities and other local communities have a vital role in environmental management and development because of their knowledge and traditional practices. States should recognize and duly support their identity, culture and interests and enable their effective participation in the achievement of sustainable development.

The Trudeau government recently announced it would adopt and implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoplesin accordance with the Canadian Constitution” with the expectation of “harmonizing Canada’s laws with the standards set in the declaration.” The UN’s standards, not Canada’s. As the Financial Post’s Kevin Libin wrote:

…more material than whether the UN declaration rises to legal levels or not is whether some First Nations simply assume the global edict enhances their sovereignty in the eyes of the world. To them, Canadian legal arguments would be rendered irrelevant.

Loss of national sovereignty, an end to personal freedoms, remote control over every aspect of life.

Tom DeWeese:

The fact is that the revolution, under the name of the environmental movement, has declared war on your property, war on your livelihood, war on your families, and war on truth and logic. Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development [is] driven by those who seek to transform our society into little soviets of non-elected boards and councils and regional governments, answerable to no one.

This is the true bleak future, a real climate change in our culture that Canadians should fear and resist for the sake of their grandchildren.

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10 responses to “The UN controls how Canadians are permitted to live their lives”

  1. Climatism says :

    Reblogged this on Climatism and commented:
    The UN’s Agenda 21 equals a “Loss of national sovereignty, an end to personal freedoms, remote control over every aspect of life.”

    …the globalists want to use “sustainable development” as an excuse to micromanage the lives of every man, woman and child on the entire globe”

    Read on …

  2. Canadian Climate Guy says :

    Reblogged this on Canadian Climate Guy.

  3. Greg Schmalz says :

    Please share this to all your contacts and ask them to reshare. The more people know the sooner we will change leaders and make Ontario a UN Free Zone.

    Ontario Neighbours United (ONU)
    “Make Canada Great Again”

    it’s ON U

  4. Gail says :

    They’re taking special aim at Alberta of course. I and many, many others are convinced the afire a in Ft Mac were deliberately set. And it’s certainly very obvious that Notley first, then Trudeau refused national and international assistance as that fire burned the city. It is my personal belief this has made Trudeau quite happily smug…to see the oil sands threatened and shut down by a so called “natural disaster”

  5. John Macdonell says :

    Conspiracy theories abound.

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