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Edict from the Trudeau government: pay up or die a scorching death!

Unless we pay an ever-increasing tithe to stop bad weather, the world will end. So decreed the Government of Canada, and, on April Fools’ Day, forced all Canadians to start handing over hard-earned dollars to the eco-gods.

Provinces of Canada had been warned that if they did not come up with a “carbon tax scheme,” Prime Minister Trudeau and his Liberals would do it for them. In April in Toronto, Ontario challenged the constitutionality of Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act in a four-day hearing at the Court of Appeal for Ontario.

The premise for the Act and for every single boondoggle of a fake-green scheme to “fight,” “tackle,” “take action against” manmade global warming/manmade climate change is false. Greenhouse gases (of which carbon dioxide (CO2) has been targetted for demonization) that arise from the activities of people living their normal lives, are blamed for causing changes in the weather.

CO2 is the most important food for all life on earth. Calling it a “pollutant” is anti-science and anti-truth…We are not the enemy of nature, but its salvation – Dr. Patrick Moore, Ecologist, Greenpeace Co-Founder (See 54:39 and 1:06:18)

Greenhouse gases are not a pollutant, as the title of the Act would have you believe. Without them there would be no life on earth. There is no manmade global climate emergency. The climate changes naturally all the time, always has, always will.

(Note how cleverly the Liberal government now refers to greenhouse gases in the singular, officially treating them as a “single pollutant,” no doubt to deflect the inconvenient truth that, CO2, the trace gas they vilify is actually invisible, odourless, life-giving plant food. The eco-hysterics have always abused language to obfuscate – for example with the words “carbon,” and “carbon pollution,” hoping people will confuse them with deadly carbon monoxide.)

So, on the basis of a false premise, an expensive four-day court proceeding involving scores of learned lawyers, experts, huge amounts of time and brainpower, and the full judicial apparatus with five justices, focused on debating in all gravity and seriousness the finer points of whether the provincial or the federal government has the constitutional right to the privilege of profiting from “fighting” a non-existent problem. It’s as if nobles of The Emperor’s retinue, he of the New Clothes, are squabbling over who has the right and the privilege to the useless act of dressing the Emperor in his pretend, non-existent clothes. It is actually that ridiculous, and tragic.

Beleaguered taxpayers in Ontario have to foot the bill for both the provincial and federal government’s legal tussle over the spoils of “tackling” a non-existent problem. At least they were allowed to watch the drama unfold via live stream from the courtroom and decide for themselves the relative merits of the case.

Unfortunately not heard in the courtroom was the following:

It was warmer than today for at least 95% of the last 10,000 years. – Dr. Tim Ball, historical climatologist

Ninety percent (90%) of the time since creation the earth was warmer than it is now – because the geological evidence indicates that over all of geology history, 4.65 billion years, somewhere between 5% and 10% of that time was there [no] substantial ice on earth, and now there is. There’s Greenland and Antartica and summer ice all over the planet, lots of places. So you’re talking 5% or 10% of the time the planet was cooler than it is now. – Dr. Richard A. Keen, Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of Colorado

We’re at the lowest levels of CO2 in earth’s history. Four hundred and forty-four million years ago, while we were in the depths of the coldest period in the last half billion years, we had 1100% of today’s CO2 levels, according to geologic proxies. So CO2 is very low right now. They say “40% rise in the last century, since 1880.” Well, that’s peanuts in natural terms. – Tom Harris, Executive Director, International Climate Science Coalition

The carbon dioxide in this room is now around 900 [ppm]. Now, either we should be happy about it or evacuate the room for fear that there is something bad about it. There is nothing bad about carbon dioxide. The more the better. – Dr. Jay H. Lehr, Science Director, Heartland Institute

“The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system and therefore long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” The IPCC web pages where this statement was recorded were purged in November 2018. It was recorded prior to this many times on the WayBack Machine. – Dr. Patrick Moore, Ecologist, Greenpeace Co-Founder

First the scaremongering, then the legal argument

Eminent, honest scientists and experts were not invited to the hearing, and climate science expertise such as theirs was not required (because “the science is settled,” don’t you know). The objective of the challenge in the Court of Appeal for Ontario was not to establish whether or not the hypothesis of cataclysmic manmade climate change has been proven or whether a tax can prevent planetary climate doom as the Trudeau government claims.

Nonetheless, many of the parties arguing for the constitutional legitimacy of the Act felt it necessary to preface their submissions to the court with apocalyptic declarations, as follows:

We know that climate change is an urgent threat to humanity. The accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causes global warming, which is causing climate change and the associated national and international risks to human health and well-being. Greenhouse gas emissions are not contained with geographic boundaries. They are an interprovincial and international pollutant. Reducing Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions as part of the global effort to slow climate change is critical. – Lawyer for Canada

First and foremost, we submit that climate change is the most serious environmental and economic problem of our time. If greenhouse gas emissions are not a matter of national concern, it’s difficult to imagine what is. And it’s not merely the importance of the problem that makes it a national concern to respond to Ontario, it’s the fact that greenhouse gases cause serious extra-provincial and international impacts… – Lawyer for Canada’s Eco-Fiscal Commission

Ontario agrees with Canada that climate change is real, is caused by human activities, is already having a disruptive effect across the country and if left unchecked, its potential impact will be even more severe…In short, Ontario’s agreement is consistent with the view that greenhouse emissions, in causing climate change, are an evil. – Lawyer for Canadian Environmental Law Association, Environmental Defence, Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul

Climate change is properly understood as a public health issue. There is scientific consensus that it is the biggest global public health threat of the 21st century. – Lawyer for Canadian Public Health Association

There was the usual heart-wrenching plea to think of the children, the grandchildren, the next generations:

I’m here today to talk about children, the children of today and the children yet to come in future generations…they are going to bear the most severe impacts from our greenhouse gas emissions… the greenhouse gas emissions of current and previous generations have created an urgent threat to our children and to future generations. – Lawyer for Intergenerational Climate Coalition

And then there was the predictable, hysterical pronouncement from the charlatan Suzuki corner:

Canada and the world face a crisis more dire than any that has come before. As we have been warned by an overwhelming consensus of scientists, a rapidly warming planet threatens Canadians’ way of life and indeed our very lives. We have only a decade to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a stable level. If Canada’s and the world’s actions do not produce the required reductions by 2030 we will pass a point of no return, forever losing the ability to prevent some of the worst consequences of climate change. The shrinking window of time left to save ourselves from climate disaster is truly a national emergency, in fact, nothing less than a global emergency. – Lawyer for David Suzuki Foundation

Even the lawyer for the Province of Ontario insisted that:

This is not a reference [case] about whether climate change is real. It is. This is not a reference about whether greenhouse gases produced by human activity are contributing to climate change. They are. And it is not a reference about whether action needs to be taken. Action does need to be taken. Ontario has taken action. Ontario is continuing to take action.

The Trudeau Liberals’ “leak”

Some of the five justices hearing the case seemed at times to conflate their understanding of regular environmental pollution with manmade climate change, but no wonder when the Act uses the deliberately misleading term “greenhouse gas pollution.”  Moreover some of them seemed to reveal where they may stand on the subject of manmade climate change per se. In a question for the lawyer representing the intervener Province of New Brunswick, with reference to floods there, the justice posited this: “…if they’re caused by climate change, which seems a reasonable assumption…“

With all due respect, even the UN’s IPCC would beg to differ:

There is medium evidence and high agreement that long-term trends in normalized losses [from extreme weather] have not been attributed to natural or anthropogenic climate change… 

Another justice had this to say:

The worst impacts by far in Canada of greenhouse gases are the three northern territories. They’re facing the risk of temperatures rising from 3.5 to 7 degrees. The biggest emitters are Ontario, Alberta, and probably Quebec. What’s the incentive for Alberta, Quebec, and Ontario to do things that are going to be responsive to a horrible problem up north? Just on the news the other day there was the chief of one of the bands up in the Yukon, saying the caribou this year are 85 km away from where they have been for centuries – 85 km away, and entirely because of the melt up there.

Now this is highly interesting. The day that the carbon tax became effective – April 1 – a report by Canada’s Department of the Environment was “leaked” to Canada’s state broadcaster, the CBC. It claimed that Canada was heating up twice as fast as the rest of the world, and that Northern Canada was triple the global rate. On March 31, the day before the alarmist report was “leaked,” the state broadcaster published an article, handwringing that “Indigenous elders in Yukon say moose and caribou are moving farther north to escape the effects of climate change.”

The CBC continued to fan the flames more than usual with daily news or opinion pieces wholly in line with the Trudeau Liberal government’s climate narrative and the imperative to tax carbon dioxide. Very neat and tidy coincidences and exquisite timing, wouldn’t you say? Sad caribou story, carbon tax implemented, leaked alarmist climate report – all within two days. The CBC’s propaganda effort seems to have had a powerful impact on at least one of the justices.

It is to be hoped that the honourable justices get their climate information from sources other than the propagandist state broadcaster, as, for example, from Dr. Ross McKitrick, who puts the super-heated government report into proper perspective. It was apparent, judging by some of their comments and questions, that the justices would also do well to refresh their basic scientific knowledge about the atmosphere, greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, fluctuations in climate throughout the eons, and so on.

A “carbon” tax/levy/charge, inflicted on Canadians based on a fake, anti-human premise

The premise for this hearing, and that of the Act in question, was and is that catastrophic, life-threatening, earth-dooming global warming/climate change is caused by man’s emissions of greenhouse gases, craftily treated as one single pollutant. This fake premise was not up for discussion, but should have been debated long ago by a Liberal government that crowed it would develop policies and legislation based on science and evidence.  It’s the pernicious, dishonest tax grab that is “evil,” not the greenhouse gases, as the lawyer for Canadian Environmental Law Association et alia would have you believe.

A tax on thin air as a punishing “behaviour-changing signal”

The lawyer for the Government of Canada stated that the Act is not a tax bill, but rather imposes a “behaviour-changing regulatory charge,” that represents a “behaviour-changing signal,” whereby “the dominant purpose is to change behaviour.”

So Justin Trudeau and his Liberals fancy that they can change the behaviour of Canadians, punish them, social engineer them, with a punitive levy for living their lives, for doing the things that keep them (and the country) safe and secure, healthy, productive, and alive – in a cold, modern, northern country with a huge landmass! Canadians rely on fossil fuels for every aspect of our lives. Exactly what “behaviour” are they supposed to “change,” and to what? Stop heating their homes? Stop going to work? Stop eating?

Canadians are climate pawns in the UN’s globalist aims

The Liberals’ irrational, insane scheming is based on the false premise that man can control the ever-naturally-changing climate and weather. It is influenced and brought to you by the UN’s anti-human, anti-democratic agenda for unelected, unaccountable global governance using a phoney global climate immolation as a smoke screen. (You can read a series of posts about the UN’s corruption and politicization of science to effect its malign infiltration and influence on every level of public policy decision-making in Canada here.)

Other provinces blow back

Canada’s carbon tax law applies to provinces that do not have their own “carbon tax regimes” that meet “national standards,” currently Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and New Brunswick. Saskatchewan has completed its own court of appeal challenge, and is awaiting the outcome. Manitoba plans a legal challenge. But will any leader of any level of government in Canada ever have the conviction or the guts to challenge the root problem, the false premise underlying the evil “carbon” hoax, the most massive scientific deception ever perpetrated in plain sight?

Ontario’s Court of Appeal hearing ended April 18. The five justices have reserved judgement, and their ruling will come sometime within the next six months.

O Canada!


  • “Ontario to appeal court’s ruling upholding federal carbon-pricing law. Provincial Court of Appeal finds the legislation is constitutionally sound.”

  • The Supreme Court of Canada rules the federal carbon pricing law is constitutional . . . based on the consensus that greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global climate change . . . The Supreme Court also pointed out that all of the parties agree that global climate change is real. It’s caused by greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities and it poses a grave threat to the future of humanity.” (!!!)

Flimsy, fake rationale for imposing Canada’s pernicious carbon tax

On April Fool’s Day the Trudeau Liberal federal government’s draconian Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act came into force in Canada–a fitting day on which to inflict a punishing carbon tax law on Canadians. It applies to provinces that do not have their own carbon tax regimes that meet “national standards,” currently Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and New Brunswick.

The Preamble to this law, based on the fake premise of manmade global warming/manmade climate change, is full of the usual pseudoscientific tropes and untruths about a pretend planetary climate emergency.

The Preamble, the rationale and justification for the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, decoded in caps (emphasis added):

BECAUSE 97% SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS (fake claim, long ago debunked many times over):

Whereas there is broad scientific consensus that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global climate change;

BECAUSE URGENTLY SAVING THE PLANET (blatant scaremongering):

Whereas recent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are at the highest level in history and present an unprecedented risk to the environment, including its biological diversity, to human health and safety and to economic prosperity;

BECAUSE WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE (more blatant scaremongering):

Whereas impacts of climate change, such as coastal erosion, thawing permafrost, increases in heat waves, droughts and flooding, and related risks to critical infrastructures and food security are already being felt throughout Canada and are impacting Canadians, in particular the Indigenous peoples of Canada, low-income citizens and northern, coastal and remote communities;

BECAUSE THE GRANDCHILDREN (emotional blackmail):

Whereas Parliament recognizes that it is the responsibility of the present generation to minimize impacts of climate change on future generations;

BECAUSE IT’S A PLANETARY CLIMATE EMERGENCY (fake, phoney, non-existent):

Whereas the United Nations, Parliament and the scientific community have identified climate change as an international concern which cannot be contained within geographic boundaries;

BECAUSE THE UN TOLD US TO (obeisance to “non-binding” UN diktats):

Whereas Canada has ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, done in New York on May 9, 1992, which entered into force in 1994, and the objective of that Convention is the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system;


Whereas Canada has also ratified the Paris Agreement, done in Paris on December 12, 2015, which entered into force in 2016, and the aims of that Agreement include holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change;


Whereas the Government of Canada is committed to achieving Canada’s Nationally Determined Contribution – and increasing it over time – under the Paris Agreement by taking comprehensive action to reduce emissions across all sectors of the economy, accelerate clean economic growth and build resilience to the impacts of climate change;

BECAUSE AN URGENT “NATIONAL PROBLEM” (non-existent, lying to Canadians):

Whereas it is recognized in the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change that climate change is a national problem that requires immediate action by all governments in Canada as well as by industry, non-governmental organizations and individual Canadians;

BECAUSE WE LOVE ORWELLIAN LANGUAGE (“pricing” is a tax grab):

Whereas greenhouse gas emissions pricing is a core element of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change;

BECAUSE WE’RE GONNA MODIFY YOUR BEHAVIOUR (micromanage your life) . . .

Whereas behavioural change that leads to increased energy efficiency, to the use of cleaner energy, to the adoption of cleaner technologies and practices and to innovation is necessary for effective action against climate change;


Whereas the pricing of greenhouse gas emissions on a basis that increases over time is an appropriate and efficient way to create incentives for that behavioural change;


Whereas greenhouse gas emissions pricing reflects the “polluter pays” principle;


Whereas some provinces are developing or have implemented greenhouse gas emissions pricing systems;

. . . WE’LL MAKE THEM . . .

Whereas the absence of greenhouse gas emissions pricing in some provinces and a lack of stringency in some provincial greenhouse gas emissions pricing systems could contribute to significant deleterious effects on the environment, including its biological diversity, on human health and safety and on economic prosperity;


And whereas it is necessary to create a federal greenhouse gas emissions pricing scheme to ensure that, taking provincial greenhouse gas emissions pricing systems into account, greenhouse gas emissions pricing applies broadly in Canada

The Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act is a dishonest legislation right from the start, i.e. the title – greenhouse gases are not “pollution.” This from the Liberal government that promised to develop policies and legislation based on science and evidence. It has the fingerprints of the UN’s anti-human, anti-democratic sustainable development program all over it, citing agreements and commitments that Canadians were never consulted about or able to vote on, such as the UN’s 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change (basis for the UN’s Agenda 21, Millennium Development, 2030 Agenda), the Paris Agreement, and the UN’s unscientifically-derived, made-up global target temperature rise of no more than 2°C (oh wait, no, they reduced it for added hysteria value down to 1.5°C!).

Ontario is currently challenging the constitutional validity of the law in the Court of Appeal for Ontario. That’s good news, but unfortunately putting the cart before the horse. We first need a court case about whether or not manmade global warming/manmade climate change is actually a scientifically-proven catastrophic thing. To prove that, we need a baseline of empirical evidence as to what the natural influences on the ever-changing climate are, and then empirical evidence of what, if any,  is man’s contribution causing additional change over and above that.

Sadly, at the moment there is nothing like this kind of national climate science review on the horizon for Canadians.

Catherine McKenna, Gina McCarthy: Robotic, misleading catastrophism


Canada’s broadcaster, the CBC, chief propagandist for the manmade climate change/manmade global warming cabal, featured Canada’s Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, and the Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Gina McCarthy, on yesterday’s The Current, with host Anna-Maria Tremonti presiding.

Pontificating about a non-existent problem, and prescribing a punitive tax remedy for it, McKenna and McCarthy, with Tremonti providing the cues, manage to parrot all the usual tired, alarmist, untrue, irrational manmade climate change tropes—multiple times—as listed further below.

At the same time, the Mc-Robots want you to believe that:

…technology choices…are competing effectively against fossil fuels; in many cases they are less expensive, so let people…choose, let the market capture…technologies that are are most able to compete…mostly renewables.

…when you look at the markets and market forces, numerous renewables are now at par, in many cases, with fossil fuels and so…there’s a shift right now towards renewables.

…continue to allow fossil to be in the mix until it’s no longer the one that’s viable or cost-effective…let the market decide, as long as we send the right market signals.

…they have to successfully compete in the market.

It’s not as much about EPA regulations but it is about the industry themselves and whether they can remain competitive.

No reasonably-informed person swallows any of this drivel

For example, in Ontario, “renewables” such as industrial wind turbines can spring up seemingly overnight, thanks to tailor-made, obstacle-free special legislation. Their owners go on to enjoy 20 years worth of guaranteed, significantly above-market rates of return. On the other hand, anti-oil, anti-gas, anti-coal, anti-pipeline regulations, rules, and strictures mean an unlevelled competitive field for the fossil fuel industry.

As for Mc-Eco-Bots and their automated disinformation, read on . . .

“Feel” the manmade climate change 

There hasn’t been any global warming for at least 19 years, but, according to the Mc-Fibbers, manmade climate change is really here, is really happening right now. They can feel it, they can see it, so why can’t you?

…we know the climate is already changing, we can feel it, we can see it, we can measure it

…on the front lines of climate change, they can see it every day

…the real impacts of climate change

…a major impact

…understand what is the real impact

…impacts of climate change

…because you can really see it and feel it

…we see impact there

…very real changes to the climate that are impacting their lives

…climate changes that are already happening

Yes, climate changes all the time, always has, always will—naturally.

“Fight” and “tackle”

Lest you aren’t feeling the desired degree of urgency, the Mc-Deluded wish to remind you at every turn that something supposedly needs to be done, and pronto. Hence, the following (hubris-filled) action points:

tackling climate change

tackle climate change

how we tackle climate moving forward

tackling climate change everywhere

challenge of tackling climate change

the fight for climate change

have to take action

take action

take action on climate

the challenge of climate change is an immediate one, we have to take action on it

we all know that we need to act

The Mc-Deluded actually think that they can control the climate. The 11th century King Canute had more common sense, integrity, and honesty than McKenna, McCarthy and their political masters combined.

“Low-carbon” future or bust

And why do we need to take action? The Mc-Fake-Enviros’ objective for their fool’s errand is simple-minded, backward:

…reduce our carbon pollution

…capture the carbon that is damaging the planet

…low-carbon future

…move towards a low-carbon future

…decarbonizing, moving to lower-carbon future

…a low-carbon future

…we need to move to a lower-carbon future

…moving to a low-carbon future

…moving to a lower-carbon future

A “low-carbon” future is code for de-development, de-industrialization, de-population, anti-democracy, anti-personal-freedoms, and consigns the poor to even deeper poverty, despair, and deprivation.

Carbon price and tax thin air

And how do the Mc-Punishers think they can make us comply? Put a price on it, again, and again:

price carbon and tackle the problem

putting a price on carbon

pricing carbon

a price on carbon

price on carbon

we need to be putting a price on carbon

It really is a tax on air. Think about it.

“Science-based” decisions

Of course, these are not mere whims on the part of the Mc-Pseudo-Scientists and their masters. These draconian measures are supposedly based on empirical evidence, on sound science, don’t you know, and therefore righteous and good:

our science-based efforts

the best science

absolutely looking at the science

Paris agreement is based on science

a science-based approach

the science is really good today

we’re doing things based on science

Perverted, corrupted, damaged, manufactured, outcome-predetermined “science.”

Sustainability flim-flam

Just in case you’re worried about the economic consequences of their “evidence-based” plans, the Mc-BSers assure us that everything will be hunky-dory:

done in a sustainable way

make sure they’re done in a sustainable way

“Sustainability” is code for anti-prosperity.

Emotional blackmail

Of course, when providing the rationale for the manmade climate change insanity, never forget to play the “next generation” card, and the Mc-Eco-Preachers do not disappoint:

we need to protect our kids

we need to keep our kids future healthy and safe

create the jobs that my kids will have

protecting our kids

keeping the world safe for future generations

necessary for our kids

The truth is that the kids will be far sicker, poorer, and more at risk if insane anti-human manmade climate change policies are implemented.

Greenhouse gas demonization

Finally, there may be an additional manmade climate change villain in the offing. Is methane being groomed as the new CO2? The fabrication that CO2 is the demonic driver of manmade climate change may have become too much of an awkward argument for the eco-fantasists. Too many people know that CO2 is carbon dioxide, a non-polluting, indispensable trace gas that nourishes plants, without which there would be no life in earth. So, methane may now need to be the satanic, planet-destroying gas:

curbing methane gas emissions

capture that methane

you have to capture the methane

capture the methane that otherwise would be damaging the planet

The UN-led deliberate, evil deceit of manmade climate change continues unabated

The scientific fiction, fuelled by a $1.5 trillion climate change industry, continues apace, scarcely hindered by the truth, or valid science, or the scientific method.

We need more courageous and honest leadership in the political class. We need more common sense, more mainstream media investigative journalism, more reason. We need more public awareness that the cry-wolf, pretend-green potentates of the manmade climate change narrative are liars, utterly lacking in clothing and any scrap of integrity.

The It’s-All-Your-Fault Tax to “fight climate change” and “save the planet”


Carbon tax, carbon price, carbon levy, cap-and-trade, revenue-neutral or not—call it what you will, it is definitely a tax that everyone will pay, one way or another. It’s a You-Are-Guilty-Of-Causing-Manmade-Global-Warming/Manmade-Climate-Change Tax, levied on the carbon dioxide produced by living your life.

Let me list a few of the ways in which it’s all your fault:

  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Need-To-Stay-Warm-In-Winter-To-Avoid-Freezing-To-Death Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Have-To-Drive-For/To-Work-So-You-Can-Earn-A-Living Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Choose-To-Cook-Dinner-For-Your-Kids Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Make-The-Stuff-That-People-Need-To-Live Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Want-To-Wear-Clothes-And-Live-With-Dignity Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Don’t-Fancy-Poisoning-Yourself-With-Unrefrigerated-Food Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Farm-Crops-And-Raise-Animals-That-Feed-The-People Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Need-A-Roof-Over-Your-Head Tax
  • The It’s-Your-Fault-That-You-Want-To-Cross-The-Atlantic-Or-Pacific-Without-Having-To-Swim Tax

And so on, and so on . . . whatever you do, whatever you need is toxic to the Earth, and must be stopped, they say. This political, not scientific, dangerous UN objective, was openly, baldly stated by Marxist and Canadian Maurice Strong, then UN Secretary General of the Earth Summit, at the Rio UN Earth Summit in 1992:

It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class— involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable.

For “not sustainable,” read “must be eliminated.”  This is just one of the many people-control goals contained in Agenda 21, The United Nations Programme of Action, a non-binding, voluntary sustainable development action plan, agreed to by Canada and 178 other nations in 1992. It has been openly, but quietly, stealthily implemented bit by bit ever since—”globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.” A carbon tax is one of many thousands of steps in this insidious, anti-democratic, anti-human process.

Proponents (in Canada it’s the Prime Minister, the premiers of the provinces, except Brad Wall of Saskatchewan, et alia) of the extortionist carbon tax/price/levy see it as a combo behaviour-modification-and-revenue tool, designed to coerce you into making changes to your supposedly climate-catastrophe-causing habits, force you to pay for your alleged earth-harming ways. They aim to politically-correct you to be socially-just by drastically reducing your standard of living and surrendering your cash. They say they will use the proceeds to “tackle climate change,” “fight climate change,” and  “save the planet” from what, in reality, is a non-existent problem. Aren’t these ridiculous, hubristic, unrealistic goals, when you really think about it? Boondoggle, anyone?

The extortionist carbon tax/price/levy is seen as a combo behaviour-modification-and-revenue tool.

For the eco-self-righteous elite and the ignorant, venal or delusional politicians, inflicting a social justice penalty and punishment tax will teach you a moralistic lesson in original sin (that of your supposedly toxic ”carbon” footprint, caused by your very existence).

A sin-punishing, kleptocratic tax on thin air . . .

The fake rationale for a sin-punishing, kleptocratic tax on thin air is the biggest scientific deception ever perpetrated, namely that manmade CO2 (carbon dioxide) supposedly causes catastrophic manmade global warming and apocalyptic manmade climate change. Human CO2 “emissions,” invisible, odourless, non-polluting though they are (but the eco-poseurs will never say that), need to be curbed or everyone burns up in a super-heated hell on Earth. But consider the following;

  • There has been no global warming for nearly 19 years, during which time CO2 concentrations rose by 10%, therefore rendering the cause-and-effect grounds for carbon taxing/pricing/levying scientifically invalid.
  • The UN’s climate computer model predictions of climate doom-and-devastation have all failed to match real-world empirical evidence.
  • Climate changes naturally all the time, always has, always will.

In short, there is no global climate emergency at all (as Dr. Tim Ball likes to say, it only exists inside the UN IPCC’s (rigged—my word) computer climate models), and, in fact, CO2 is a life-giving, miracle trace gas enabling mankind’s survival.

A carbon tax/price/levy is a pernicious, avaricious, dishonest tax on the carbon dioxide produced by mankind’s activities. Eco-crooks try to make you believe that huge amounts of it are being spewed everywhere. In fact, CO2 is a trace gas comprising a tiny 0.04% of the atmosphere. It is something you exhale. It’s not a pollutant. It’s plant food, vital to life on earth, without which we would not even be here to discuss the carbon tax lunacy.

The end game is . . . UN Agenda 21 . . . communitarian global governance by fiat.

Undeterred by the facts and basic science, the ENGO eco-zealots, self-serving politicians at every level and of every stripe, the unthinking educators, the MSM collaborators, the carbon-propagandist celebs, the co-opted scientists, the UN climate potentates, the woefully uninformed journalists, the corporate appeasers, et alia earnestly discuss the finer points of (unnecessary, ought to be illegal) carbon pricing and procedures, when in fact the whole thing is one gigantic, evil, corrupt charade. The end game is money, power, control, UN Agenda 21, forced wealth transfer, de-population, anti-prosperity, anti-nationalism, totalitarianism, communitarian global governance by fiat.

High time to fight back.

How Thin Air came to be bought, sold, traded, and taxed


Once upon a time there was a Liberal Premier who, having unaccountably been given an undeserved gift of majority rule, presided over the most populous province in the fair land of Canada. She seemed to care about nothing except virtue-signaling her lonely country jogging and spreading her social-license, social-justice, planet-saving pretensions to realms beyond.

She heeded her nakedly bullying enviro-grifters who told her that “The Science” Oracle had spoken.

She ignored the cries of the rural folk forced to submit to the subsidy-dependent, fake-green wind carbon-baggers who had her permission to impale the beautiful farm fields and meadows with useless, dangerous, bird-slaughtering, human-health destroying giant windmills. Instead, she heeded her unelected, unaccountable, foreign-funded, phony eco-courtiers—nakedly bullying enviro-grifters who told her that “The Science” Oracle had spoken: it was time to impose a pernicious, dishonest tax scheme on the financially beleaguered people. This would enrich the Treasury and continue to pay for Liberal Boondoggles, past and present and future.

…exhalations and emissions you could not see or smell had henceforth to be bought, sold, traded, and taxed.

And so she decreed that Thin Air, exhalations and emissions you could not see or smell, that harmlessly provided vital nourishment for plants and thus kept everything and everyone on Earth alive, had henceforth to be bought, sold, traded, and taxed. Anyone challenging this absurd, corruption-rife lunacy was deemed to be hopelessly in denial, blind, a head-in-the-sand-sticker, and accused of being in lavish pay of fossil fuel providers (if only).

They played along, fearful of being judged unfit for their positions or, worse, having to go straight to SuzukiJail for eco-heresy.

Many Smart People (politicians, professors, publishers, pundits, PR professionals, petroleum producers, public servants) could not see how Thin Air was harming anything at all. The deliberately false predictions of Manmade Doom-And-Gloom Climate Change, supposedly caused by manmade excess Thin Air, had never materialized, of course. But the Smart People said nothing and did nothing. They played along, fearful of being judged unfit for their positions or, worse, having to go straight to SuzukiJail for eco-heresy.

Others, the SmartAndHonest People, tried to tell the populace that putting a price on Thin Air was an absurd, ought-to-be-illegal fraud, and nothing more than a blatant tax grab, fake-justified by a non-existent climate problem. But most of them had no influence over the government’s powerful propaganda juggernaut, the mainstream media, and had to resort to ingenuity and disruptive new ways in order to be heard and seen.

Slowly, the truth about the Big Climate Fraud started to seep out.

Some of the Regular People rejected the state propaganda and made an effort to find the SmartAndHonest People in the Internet news sites and blogs and honest, evidence-based science websites in order to get at facts and the truth. And in the face of ridicule, condemnation, and abuse they did their best to tell their families, neighbours, and social media friends. Slowly, the truth about the Big Climate Fraud started to seep out. But what to do about it?  Was there still time to put and end to the madness, if only for the sake of the children and grandchildren—and if so, how?

For now, this dark tale must end here, the rest to be told as surely as the climate has changed and will change naturally throughout the ages.